About Us
Something About Us
About Us
HoJaiga.com comprises of a team of dedicated professionals who understand the gravity of situation where Pakistanis living abroad want to to get a task done in Pakistan but they are faced with several obstacles.
As most of our team members are either working or living abroad or had been working or living abroad so they have an idea of how hard it can be to find a dedicated resource for managing even small tasks back home.
HoJaiga.com aims at making the lives of Pakistanis living abroad a little easier at least as far as getting tasks done in Pakistan is concerned.
You would agree to the fact that finding a dedicated resource is a big obstacle in getting even the most basic tasks done when you are living abroad. And even if you are able to find a friend or a family member to do the chore, there could be other constraints which could hinder the timely progress of the designated task. For instance the time required following up your case, lack of technical know-how regarding the matter and of course the lengthy legal/ office procedures.
So, how do we claim to be competent solution to the problem? We have a network of professionals on our panel who are resourceful enough to get the task done within minimum time span. These professionals have a thorough knowledge of the legal formalities, procedure and timelines involved in resolving a variety of issues.